Linux wireless LAN support; manufacturer

This list is arranged in several columns: Manufacturer, wireless lan type, product ID, Vendor and product code, host I/F, chipset, driver, works native with Linux and additional comments (depending on the search you did, one of the columns is the header).
Drivers are defined as Linux native drivers, so no Linuxant driverloader or Ndiswrapper.
For more info on specific chipset development, and which drivers are available for which cards (yes, there are more drivers available for some cards), checkout Jean Tourrilhes page. His page contains some outlines about the driver development, history, versions and maintainers.

Whether it's known to work with Linux, is defined with a colour code:

This list is a work in progress, it should give you an indication of what is supported, it is by no means guaranteed that it should work for you!
Please e-mail me your experience (remove the NOSPAM from the e-mail address).

How to report your wireless device.

wlan type product ID vendor & product code host I/F chipset driver works with Linux comments
802.11g CR054g-R02 PCI Ralink rt2x00 grey Driver available from manufacturer: , or
802.11b MR011 PCMCIA Prism2/2.5/3 hostap green driver:
802.11g MR054g-R02 Cardbus Ralink rt2x00 grey Driver available from manufacturer: , or
802.11b MR511 CF grey
802.11b UR011i USB Atmel atmelwlandriver green
802.11b UR012i USB Prism2/2.5/3 linux-wlan-ng green


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